Sunday, March 7, 2010

English for nonmajors

There's a lot of grading going on around the house today. (Well, not at the moment.) That required a definition of what essays are: "A bunch of paragraphs to tell someone else about what you read."

The jump rope queen responded, "Then I don't want to go to college because I don't like doing that."

Later, after listening to "The Chocolate Sundae Mystery" on the computer, my little jumper said she thinks one of the minor characters had a crush on one of the major characters. I asked her to refer to the text to support her claim.

We started the mystery again (fifth time since Friday evening?), and the story arrived at the moment when the minor character blushes and is nervous when first interacting with the major character, jumper piped in, "That's why I think he has a crush on her."

She might like college after all.

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